Welcome to ILIA™
News & Events
- Job Positions January 3rd, 2013ILIA™ is currently seeking applications from qualified professionals. Contact us for complete listing of positions and to obtain an application. ILIA™ is an equal oppurtunity employer.
- Case Tracker Site in Development March 18th, 2013Plans have been started for development of a "Case Tracker", a secure client-based area for tracking cases, receiving reports and other case assets.
Insurance & Litigation Intelligence Agency, Inc.
Welcome to siuintel.com, home of Insurance & Litigation Intelligence Agency, Inc. ILIA™ is a comprehensive, full service “One Stop- Anytime, Anywhere” SIU caliber information, intelligence, analysis and surveillance provider. Our agency provides one-stop, comprehensive and timely product to SIU and insurance claims adjusters with many areas of expertise. See our Service page for a detailed list of what we can offer.
Check back on the ILIA™ website for more information about our company, including new oppurtinuties as well as descriptions for job postings and potential partnerships.